shooting analog

This is a community forum for the analog photography with film. Register for a free account before someone else takes your username.

Dies ist ein Community Forum für die analoge Fotografie. Registriere Dich jetzt kostenlos, bevor Dein bevorzugter Username vergeben ist.

Hallo from Hessen Germany


New Member
A hello to everyone from Hessen in Germany.
Despite digital photography, I have always kept analogue photography, but recently I have been using analogue photography more and more.
I still use my old Ricoh KR10x and the even older Voitländer Vitomatik, which my father received for his confirmation and used for a long time.
So it's all 135mm format.
Black and white is also developed at home and then scanned, so hybrid workflow.
I usually use the Adox CHSII 100 for black and white and the Kodak Ektar for color.
I'm curious to see what's going on here in the forum :)
Hallo Flo,
