shooting analog

This is a community forum for the analog photography with film. Register for a free account before someone else takes your username.

Dies ist ein Community Forum für die analoge Fotografie. Registriere Dich jetzt kostenlos, bevor Dein bevorzugter Username vergeben ist.

Hello from Sunny Singapore


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am Felix and I hail from Singapore in South East Asia. I am an amateur photographer that enjoys taking photos and cycling.
Hi Felix,

It's interesting to hear about your photographic ventures. In Singapore, is their much activity happening with people shooting with film? Here in the US, film has actually become more popular, especially among college age students and photographic enthusiasts. Comparing digital to film, film does have a unique look to it. I find that making larger prints with film such as in a size 20"x 20" brings the passion and emotions when viewing a photograph.
Hi reala100,

In Singapore, the polytechnic students who learn mass communications have to take a course on photography and thy will have to use film cameras. Somehow, others also got on the film route and many are shooting film again.

The nearest film-like look would be the cameras from early 2000 as they are CCD sensors and a lot of youngsters are seen buying them up. Not sure if anyone blows up to that size but most get them scanned and converted to digital images to be shared on social media.