shooting analog

This is a community forum for the analog photography with film. Register for a free account before someone else takes your username.

Dies ist ein Community Forum für die analoge Fotografie. Registriere Dich jetzt kostenlos, bevor Dein bevorzugter Username vergeben ist.

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Founder of SA

In case you forget your username: Your username is shown in the emails you get from the forum. Search for old emails from us in your email program.

If you forgot your password, there is a "password recovery feature" on the login window right below the password field. Please use that link and an Email will be sent to your email address.


Please make sure, that all emails from the above mentioned domain name are in the white list of your firewall/spam software. Please also check your old spam folder for older emails from us.

In the unlikely situation that you do not get any emails from this password recovery after a few minutes, then please click on "contact us" on the bottom right hand corner of this forum software.

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