shooting analog

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Greetings from the North of Scotland

Grey Friar

New Member
Hello everyone,

I got a link to this site from the GR Users Forum and as I shoot in 35mm as well as medium format when I can get film I thought "Why not join" and see what it is all about.
For 35mm I shoot with a Nikon FM2 and for medium format with a vintage Ricohflex TLR camera that I purchased some time ago from Japan.
Anyway, "Hello everyone!"
Hi Grey,


The Nikon FM2 was always one of my dream cameras.
Well, I was going to get a Canon A1 but when I saw the FM2 had just been released I decided to get it instead. Put the order in and waited two months for it to be shipped in from Japan. That was way back in '82. It is still going strong and is an absolute joy to use. Highly recommended even now in my opinion.
On the digital side, sorry everyone, but I use a Fuji xPro1 which is the only digital camera that I enjoy using as much as my FM2.
This is a wonderful camera indeed :daumenhoch:. I recently had the pleasure again to play around with an old friend's FM2.
If I had to start with analogue stuff right now from the beginning, I suppose I'd also choose the FM2 and its prime lenses.

"North of Scotland" makes me think of a beautiful holiday week in 2007 which I spent at Rua Reidh Lighthouse, on the North West Coast, north from Gairloch and Melvaig. A beautiful region.

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A beautiful region indeed if a bit far South for my blood.
Unst, North Shetland, is where I have thought the best. A little remote and wild, particularly in winter, for some but so worth the visit especially if you want to get away from the madding crowds.
When you walk around the remains of ancient Viking houses it makes you appreciate how resilient humans can be and also how lucky we all have it these days with our modern conveniences.