shooting analog

This is a community forum for the analog photography with film. Register for a free account before someone else takes your username.

Dies ist ein Community Forum für die analoge Fotografie. Registriere Dich jetzt kostenlos, bevor Dein bevorzugter Username vergeben ist.

Hello from Australia.


New Member
I am Matthew currently living in South Eastern Queensland. Originally from Sydney. I have been using film cameras since age 10 when my parents gifted me a Kodak Instamatic. I learned to process my own films at high school, then after school joined an advertising company working in the darkroom and studio. I further used home setup and later used the pro lab at Blanco Negro in Sydney. Now I have my own darkroom lab. Lately, due to health, relationship and busy work I have slowed down darkroom time, but will pick up soon. Photography had always been about self expression, connection and figuring out the world. I have never really joined camera photography groups, or been to meet ups. Introvertly I have always done it alone, or alone in natural environments of family, work or leisure. While I enjoy using good gear I also enjoy the process more. Along with music, listening and playing, photography has been my faithful empathic friend. As I long to connect with people beyond the shallowness of humanity, I realise the more alone I am. Thankfully photography, film in particular is always there. I have used Kodak, Pentax, Nikon, Leica, Hasselblad, Rolleiflex and Linhof.I grew up using Kodak Plus-x and Tri-x and developing in Kodak D76. I shot a lot of Kodachrome when I started working, after buying musical instruments. I have a simple website that I will add to and connect with people. I have had some paying jobs over the years. For me my photos express what I cannot express in words. Thanks for reading this far. Peace.