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Portraits on 8x10” positive direct paper

I like them. I like the first one the most.
All Great! - What equipment, paper and processing did you use?
All Great! - What equipment, paper and processing did you use?
Shot on a Cambo on Harman positive direct paper and developed in Agfa Neutol
The paper is ISO 3 and pre flashed to get the exposer faster out of the foot of the curve.

This is a short film of me making portraits: is in Dutch, but maybe fun to view

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Thankyou IvoB - the preflashing really makes a huge difference. Otherwise the Harman positive paper is way too contrasty. Here are a couple of pinhole images that I tried at 3iso for about 20 minutes@f/288 under cloudy skies (no preflashing) with Harman positive paper. Of Flinders Street Railway Station and the Melbourne Exhibition Buildings respectively.
Cheers Kanga

Thankyou IvoB - the preflashing really makes a huge difference. Otherwise the Harman positive paper is way too contrasty. Here are a couple of pinhole images that I tried at 3iso for about 20 minutes@f/288 under cloudy skies (no preflashing) with Harman positive paper. Of Flinders Street Railway Station and the Melbourne Exhibition Buildings respectively.
Cheers Kanga

View attachment 72
Nice pinholes. I’ve built a 8x10” pinhole but never came to really do something usefully with it.

Instead of pre flashing the paper, over exposure does give a nice solarization.

(But imagine the Watts of flashlight required…. 4x500Ws and 1x1500Ws

Not something to use for the faint hearted model.
