shooting analog

This is a community forum for the analog photography with film. Register for a free account before someone else takes your username.

Dies ist ein Community Forum für die analoge Fotografie. Registriere Dich jetzt kostenlos, bevor Dein bevorzugter Username vergeben ist.

Return to analog


New Member
Hello! I am a recovering digital camera user. Actually I have both digital and analog, but recently I developed a deep desire to return to film, chemicals, paper....and the darkroom.
I have made my kitchen into a dual use space. My girlfriend says it's 'single use'....a darkroom. Well, maybe, especially since I haven't cooked anything in there since I brought in my Leica IIc
enlarger, installed safe lights, trays and developing tanks, etc.!! :) Either way, I have enjoyed myself immensely and I consider watching the magic of an image appearing on a blank sheet of paper
the best therapy I know of. Digital has its merits but the purity and simplicity of analog have brought me back to the craftmanship of the black and white analog process. I love it.
Hi Steve,


I hope you will not get stress with your girlfriend because of the kitchen :z04-hinterherjagen: